Check Status Of Your Refund

If you haven’t received your refund yet and we have electronically transmitted your return, please feel free to click on the IRS link below and get updated information on the status on your Refund.

Withholding Calculator

If you are an employee and need help deciding whether or not you need to update your W-4 with your employer to either increase or decrease your federal withholding, click here for the IRS’s Withholding Calculator.

and Exemptions

Do you have questions about who you can claim on your taxes? Please click on the link below to do a quick interview to determine who qualifies as your dependent.

Own a

As a business owner, understanding various tax pitfalls is an essential tool
to running a profitable business. Our team is here to help advise you on tax laws that are available to aid in reducing your tax liability.Click here to view our Services Offerings and let us know how we help you.

We believe that selecting the right financial services firm is paramount to the financial success of any person or organization.

Precision Financial Services is a full service accounting firm with a focus of providing the expertise of a large firm with the personal touch of a small firm. For more than 25 years Precision has provided professional accounting services to individuals as well as small to mid-sized privately held companies. People go into business because they are passionate about their practice or their product. They fail in business because of losing sight on their finances and lack of planning for their future. If this sounds like your situation, you have come to the right place. We will leave your business to you if you leave your books to us.

What Our Clients Say

We Save Your Time and Money.







Our Services

Business Services

As a business owner, you must know all tax pitfalls, that’s why our business planning department is working for you

Payroll Services

PRECISION FINANCIAL SERVICES, LTD specializes in payroll (fill in other offerings such as tax preparation). Our full service payroll pricing is very competitive. Payroll starts at just $45 a month. Please paste the link below into your browser to see a brief demo of my payroll services.

Tax Advisory Services

We are ready to provide you with up-to-date tax information online, by phone, or during personal meeting

Financial Planning

We will work through the process to identify your needs, goals and strategy, and put your plan into action